
Witch Bottles | Spell Bottles


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Crafted using 100 years of witchcraft knowledge

Hi there, I’m Regina, the spell-casting, potion-brewing, and fun-loving witch behind WitchesRoad! For the past 20 years, I’ve been on an enchanting journey through the world of witchcraft, blending ancient traditions with modern twists to create a life filled with magic and meaning.

My love for the craft started as a teenager when I learned my great grandmother considered herself a witch when my family-line was still in Scotland. After reaching out to some relatives, I incredibly came into possession of a few papers from her where she wrote down some of her spellwork, mainly witch bottles, healing balms, and a few rituals. Much was lost to history and only some was legible, but from that moment, I was hooked. What started as curiosity about my family history grew into a lifelong passion for all things magical.

My great-grandmother believed strongly in layered magic, or “draíocht le sreath”. By combining multiple elements of intent into a spell, the result is a magical energy far powerful than the sum of the individual parts. My witch bottles are built off her original notes passed down through 9 generations!

Authentic Witch Bottles With

over 200 5-Star Reviews

5 star rating witch bottles

  • Prosperity Witch Bottle

    My Prosperity Bottle empowers you to manifest success and abundance in your life. Crafted during the prosperous energy of the waxing moon. Sealed with gold wax and wrapped in green ribbon for wealth and fortune and engraved with the Norse Rune Fehu to amplify its power to manifest prosperity.

    $32.00 Add to cart
  • Protection Witch Bottle

    My Protection Witch Bottle provides a strong protective shield against harm and negative energy. Crafted only during the waning moon when the moon’s light is charged with protective energy. Sealed with with black wax and purple binding to ward off evil and engraved with the Triquetra symbol to amplify the power within.

    $28.00 Add to cart
  • Self-Love Witch Bottle

    Embrace self-compassion and emotional healing with my Self-Love Witch Bottle. Crafted around the full moon phase when love spells are most powerful. Sealed with red wax and wrapped yellow ribbon to manifest courage, love and joy. Engraved with Hecate’s Wheel for guidance and empowerment.

    $34.00 Add to cart
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