Witch Bottles | Spell Bottles
Handcrafted | Authentic | Witch-Made
Crafted using 100 years of witchcraft knowledge
Hi there, I’m Regina, the spell-casting, potion-brewing, and fun-loving witch behind WitchesRoad! For the past 20 years, I’ve been on an enchanting journey through the world of witchcraft, blending ancient traditions with modern twists to create a life filled with magic and meaning.
My love for the craft started as a teenager when I learned my great grandmother considered herself a witch when my family-line was still in Scotland. After reaching out to some relatives, I incredibly came into possession of a few papers from her where she wrote down some of her spellwork, mainly witch bottles, healing balms, and a few rituals. Much was lost to history and only some was legible, but from that moment, I was hooked. What started as curiosity about my family history grew into a lifelong passion for all things magical.
My great-grandmother believed strongly in layered magic, or “draÃocht le sreath”. By combining multiple elements of intent into a spell, the result is a magical energy far powerful than the sum of the individual parts. My witch bottles are built off her original notes passed down through 9 generations!
Witch Bottle Components
Herbs, stones, and crystals are chosen and layered for their specific properties.
Moon Energy
Harnessing the natural energy of the moon, making bottles during specific lunar phases.
A hand-dipped wax seal contains the energy of the spell and guards against external forces.
Color Binding
Wax and accessory colors are carefully chosen for their significance in witchcraft.
Etched into the glass, the chosen Rune or Symbol imbues the bottle with energy and intent.
“Ã’ran DraÃochta“
A “song of magic”, or incantation of intent awakens & tethers the magic to the individual.
Authentic Witch Bottles With
over 200 5-Star Reviews

Witch Bottle FAQ
What is a witch bottle?
A witch bottle is a handcrafted vessel traditionally used in spellcraft rituals, filled with specific ingredients like herbs, crystals, and salts to manifest intentions or ward off negative energy.
Where do you ship to?
Currently I ship my witch bottles anywhere in the U.S. and Canada. If you’d like a bottle shipped elsewhere, please email me and I can try to accommodate.
Are you Wiccan?
No, I don’t currently follow the structure or traditions of the Wiccan religion. However I do align with many of its principles and beliefs.
How do I use a witch bottle?
Traditionally you activate and manifest the energy of your bottle during the appropriate moon phase, using spoken word and intent to manifest its power and connect it to you.
How soon will I receive my witch bottle?
U.S. orders will be shipped within 24 hours and arrived in 3 to 4 business days. Orders to Canada could take additional time due to customs.
Are you a practicing witch?
Yes, I consider myself a modern witch. I embrace spirituality and empowerment through spellwork, meditation, and channeling natural energies.
Can I recharge a witch bottle?
Absolutely. I recommend at least once a month leaving your bottle near a window during the appropriate moon phase to replenish the energy. Your bottle will have a tag noting the recommended lunar phase.
Can you make a custom witch bottle?
Yes! You can reach out to me at [email protected] to request a witch bottle for a specific purpose or design.
Can I make my own witch bottle?
Absolutely! You can read my guide to crafting your own witch bottle that matches your specific energy and intentions.